About us

Why was Safeguru established?

This well-known image shows workers during the construction of the Rockefeller Center in New York in 1932.

Shortly before it was taken, the Crash of '29 gave rise to a crisis known as the Great Depression.

Living from day to day, accepting any job, the risk of unemployment, company closures, hunger, cold and migrations were all challenges at the time. The crisis left no one indifferent and its consequences were felt worldwide.

How does this scene compare to today?

A lot has happened since the 1929 crisis and so much has evolved. Thanks to this progress, seeing the situation in the photograph would probably be unimaginable today, but the same dangers still exist at work, even if they are not so visible.

Fortunately, nowadays we have rights as employees, our employers provide us with safety equipment and our working environments are clearly signposted... Or at least they should be.

Days go by in an instant, communications move at the speed of light, we have a world of news at our fingertips and we buy things from the other side of the planet.

However, no matter how much we have evolved it's important to remember that we are still human...

As a company we are aware that the protection of workers is essential to continue achieving the progress that is so necessary.

Safeguru was created to respond to current needs in the world of workplace safety, to digitise obsolete and outdated purchasing processes and to be a trusted partner, helping to ensure peace of mind in people's lives, contributing to their work and personal wellbeing.

We want to be the point where safety at work and the latest technological and logistical developments meet.

We want to make safety equipment available to everyone in a simple, fast and efficient manner.

We want to provide information about how to prevent risks at work in an intelligent and clear way.

We want to continue to build this path towards a safer future.

With enthusiasm, hope and motivation we embarked on a journey to the UK and we proudly launched Safeguru UK.

For all this at safeguru we are proud to be members of the The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF). BSIF is a trade association for the safety industry.

Safeguru undertakes to supply only safety equipment and/or related services that fully comply with the standards and regulations and claims made relating to those products and/or related services. Where appropriate, Safeguru will maintain up to date technical files and associated documentation to ensure that regulatory compliance information can be supplied upon request. Where products are sourced from external organisations which hold technical files relating to the products being offered, Safeguru will request confirmation that these files are current, complete, contain appropriate conformity assessment information and, where relevant, regulatory compliance certificates and will take all necessary steps to confirm the validity of the compliance documentation held by that external supplier in respect of the products being sourced.

Where services are provided related to safety equipment sourced from external organisations, Safeguru will maintain approval from the manufacturer that the services provided are assessed and approved by the external organisation.

Building a safer future day by day.